Saturday, February 15, 2014

First Test

As I'm sure many of you who know the students have heard they just had their first test in Jewish history. This test included an essay portion in which the students had to write 2 3-4 paragraph essays. They had to choose 2 questions from these five:

1) How did “civilization” develop? Did it affect Am Yisrael? If so, how?
2) Is the Tanakh human or divine? Does that make it more/less important? Support your answer with evidence.
3) What role does teshuva play in Judaism? Give examples to support your answer.
4) What is the importance of Yerushalayim? Was/Is it necessary for the development/continuity of Am Yisrael?
5) On the very first day of class we discussed three aspects of Jewish identity. In the history we have seen so far, does this view of Jewish identity seem to fit? Why or why not? Give evidence to support your answer.

I look forward to reading their answers, which I feel confident were brilliant. Students, do you feel like any of these questions/issues affect how you think about Am Yisrael?

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